
Online shop upgrades its technology and improved search search engines help to find possible directly. provides a search feature that guarantees the over 6,000 products offered within the fast and convenient search as a service-oriented online shop. Now the tried and tested system added significantly:-implemented fault tolerance, suggest feature and after search navigation can be obtained faster the right product, even easier and above all: still targeted. places great emphasis on good service. This already starts in the search in his online shop.

To its customers, a comfort in the selection of quality products in the area of tools, household, Garden, outdoor, to offer camping and sport, has invested in the expansion of its search engine. In September, new features have been implemented with the desired products be found faster and clearly presented for a further selection. In this way, the user saves time and he can be assured of the precision of its search results. Qualified search result avoided search problems by directly taken into account in the search input fault tolerance, attributable to typos and misspellings. Especially different spellings or product names can lead to the distortion of the results also prevents. Another advantage is revealed with the suggest feature: during the input, search suggestions are made automatically. So enters the user in milliseconds to the desired result.

The after-Serarch navigation filters search results optimally: addiction the shop user on for example a knife of the brand manufacturer’s twin, displayed a range of relevant products, categorized by models and designs such as chef’s knives, household knives, knife accessories etc. These are in addition to filtering with one click by price limitations. The requirements for a comfortable search grow continuously”, explained co-owner of Fabian Bauck. We arm us with this major extension of the search for an increased demand and improve our performance.” In this context, also the server performance for the online shop has been increased. Studies have shown that online users now expect a certain comfort in the search for content and products from the suppliers. is one of the online stores, the search comfortable on their pages in terms of”open leave no wish. Contact: Bauck & Honisch GbR press contact Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 153 42117 Wuppertal Tel: + 49 (0) 202 / 6950-140 fax: + 49 (0) 202 / 6950-299 E-mail: presse(at) by Fabian Bauck and Christoph Honisch operated. Both founders have years of experience in marketing and advertising, in particular in the design implementation and marketing of online projects. These include many corporate Web sites, as well as numerous online applications such as E-shops, online design manuals and marketing tools.

Rules For The Care Of Antique Furniture

Restoration of antique furniture – the work tedious and complicated, moreover, is very expensive. So, competent care for such furniture is not less important than the repair work. There are a few simple rules, observing that one can preserve the beauty and elegance of your antique furniture. 'First of all – the optimum temperature. Fluctuations at room temperature are possible within 15 20 gr. but the 18 gr. – Will be just right.

It is also important to monitor the humidity level in room. Since the beginning of the heating season starts sharp fluctuations in humidity levels, which is very dangerous for old furniture, especially furniture with marquetry, intarsia, mosaics. Good ventilation will help to save the situation when high humidity and low humidity help such simple means, as the vessels with water, set near or under the antique furniture. For example, good and beautiful output may be large vase of flowers. Draught should be avoided. 'Do not put antique furniture near radiators, heaters, batteries.

Not closer than two feet. 'Do not expose the polished objects in direct sunlight. Periodically, furniture should be interchanged with respect to the window to the sun shone then on one side, then on the other side. 'Antique furniture can not drag and move across the floor. When you carry it to lift, not to break your legs. 'If the floor in Your room is uneven, it is necessary to place the subject so as to avoid skewing the doors. Make it necessary, because otherwise movable furniture parts wear out very quickly. 'Polished and trimmed with antique wax Furniture should be protected from dripping water, from contact with hot objects. Generally, the linen napkins – this is a very good 'companion' for anyone, even the modern furniture. Get into the habit to lay a napkin or tablecloth, and you extend the life of your polished table very long. 'Do not expose your antique furniture to heavy loads. She suffered so much during his long life. Meter pile of books – it's too serious test. ' Caring for antique furniture, avoid experimentation. No need to remove stains with lemon juice or denatured alcohol. By means of a stranger, too, should be treated with caution. At home, you can lightly polish the furniture woolen cloth. For serious polishing, refer to the masters.


There is general agreement that the basal cell carcinoma and carcinoma is predominantly a result of the direct damage of DNA by interaction with UVB (solar wavelengths 280 320 nm). Data epidemiological link to melanoma intense sun exposure during childhood, and provides support for the role of UVA. Although there is agreement that UV radiation is the cause but it is unclear the precise wavelength and the mechanisms involved. Setlow and colleagues (1993) demonstrated the induction of melanoma in Xiphophorus fish model by UVA, UVB and visible blue wavelengths, and Law (1997) showed equal effectiveness of UVA and UVB in the induction of melanocytic hyperplasia in the Mono-delphis domestic and Noonan and colleagues (2001, 2003) using combined wavelength UVB and UVA, recently demonstrated the induction of melanoma in a transgenic model of a newborn mouse. John Marlow Ringcentral may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Berking et al (2001) showed that UVB in combination with growth factor basic fibroblast can transform human melanocytes. The role of UVA in human melanoma is still not conclusive (Wang et al, 2001) While UVB is believed to interact directly with DNA to initiate significant mutations of basal and squamous cell carcinoma, the wavelengths of UVA (320 400 nm) is believed to interact indirectly by inducing the production of free radicals.

Free radicals can indirectly damage the DNA and protein damage, which contributes to premature aging or photoaging. UVA-induced production of p53 and DNA damage, genomic instability, and immunosuppression have been demonstrated. John Marlow does not necessarily agree. Despite the extensive use of sunscreens over the past 2 decades the incidence of skin cancer is increasing, the role of sunscreens in protecting skin cancer is controversial.


Weaknesses are the doorways, the connection points to the stairs, the heating pipes and profiles of closure. Heavy objects such as kitchen units or cupboards (the pavement at these points can move only to one side) require that at the opposite side of the room has an expansion joint twice as wide. Read more here: kellee marlow.

We recommend to mount heavy objects before making installation. Install laminate flooring then only up to the furniture. This allows you to recover the ground at any time and easily. Expansion joints are plugged into the wall sockets / baseboards and other locations with special profiles. 7.

Position of the expansion joints Because laminate flooring expands depending on weather conditions, it will need in the following cases Low expansion joints. 8 mm – large areas (greater than 8 x 12 m) – areas with many angles – a facility continuously from one room to the next These expansion joints are covered with the corresponding profiles of transition. Note: damage arising from failure to stop expansion joints shall be provided by the installer. 8. The optics of the facility can make an installation of laminated strips on either a regular set as an irregular. Make sure however that the misalignment of the bezel is snapped into the heads of at least 30 cm. 9. The address of the facility / level of stay for optical reasons, we recommend installing the longitudinal part of the blade transversely to the longitudinal part of the room. The stay thus optically appear more square, larger and close in a “tube.” This is not a general rule, since we must also take into account the natural light sources (windows, etc..), Which is advised to direct the direction of the blades at right angles (to the window line) because to the forward position and a few meters away will see fewer seams of lamas and obtain a greater sense of space, just as in the rectangular environment, install the pavement parallel to the longest side of the room, gives us a sense in length. That said, it is up to the customer and their interests as the disposition of these parameters. Note that the sense of blades (in the flooring) should not affect the durability of them.

Military Research Students

This stage precedes the actual practice and is a prerequisite. At the next executive, stage activity is usually converted to an object or situation is achieved for a given outcome 2, 9, 10. Executive phase of research students of the military institution includes: a) develop a research plan and its implementation, and b) the choice of research methods and their use of an object and the subject of research, c) solution of research problems of theoretical justification and proof, and d) the original hypothesis of the study, and e) formulating conclusions. At this stage consideration has, associated with educational conditions of the military institution, especially. Study also includes two stages: the so-called technological and analytical phase, reflective stage. The study is conducted on a definite plan, work program.

Drawn up a plan, prospectus, ie such a plan, which is an abstract, a more detailed discussion of issues on which to will be further systematized all the collected factual material. The plan serves as the main avenue, for further evaluation supervisor student match its aims and objectives of the work carried out study. Under this plan, it is already possible to judge the content of the main points of research, the principles of disclosure topics, and the construction of volume ratio of its individual parts. Almost plan-avenue – it is Draft table of contents with abstracts disclosing the contents of its chapters and sections. Ease of preparation of the preliminary prospectus, the plan is clear: through the systematic inclusion in this plan more and more data it can be brought to a final volume of work.

Intestine Irritable

Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is the disorder that primarily affects the colon or the large intestine. This is the part of the digestive system that stores stool. Since this condition is referred to as syndrome, characterized by various symptoms that the causes are not known. Although it is relatively frequent, crucial evidence that will help produce effective treatments are not yet. The lack of research is often considered as the main reason why there is no enough knowledge about Irritable bowel syndrome.

In the research industry, only conditions that threaten life, often receive immediate attention. Given that irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic condition and does not represent a threat to the life of the patient, it is left to be investigated later. Add to this the fact that this condition is a functional disorder that complicates even more the lack of viable treatment. The functional disorder is usually, associated with subjective feelings and symptoms for which quantifiable measures can not be managed. Say by the pain, there is no objective element that can be studied to the pain of irritable bowel syndrome as opposed to painful ulcer that may cause injury to the tissues of the intestines seen. To be a functional disorder, there can be no physical disease manifestations since everything lies in the alteration of the functions covered by the digestive system in Yes, more specifically the colon.

With irritable bowel syndrome in children and adults, the colon muscles and nerves are very sensitive so any substance that can not be tolerated by the muscles may cause adverse effects on the same system. Another factor that contributes to the lack of knowledge of the cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome root is the varied clinical presentations of patients. Some may have diarrhea, while others have dominated IBS with constipation. Each of which must be studied and treated separately.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe University

Also members of the hard hearing associations for individual talks and personal exchange available at an accompanying info fair. The HoRmobil of the DSB interested parties can let free to test your hearing. And last but not least, many cochlear implant makers involved in the event, give insights into their personal experiences at the CI-rehabilitation. The event will be moderated by the TV journalist Georg Holzach (including hr-Boulevard magazine main tower”). For hearing impaired visitors the Organizer provides free headphones with infra red receiver to borrow. All lectures, discussions, and interviews to the reading on screens are projected during the event. We hope that our Frankfurt listening day encounters a large response, as we already to many places everywhere in Germany were able to experience”, so once again Durdane Erseker. All interested parties are cordially invited.

We want to recommend especially those who can not hear or understand despite hearing aid, to attend the event.” The Frankfurter listening day I want to hear!”will take place on Saturday 21 September 2013, in the time from 9:30 to 14:30. The venue is the University Hospital at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, House 22 (next to the main entrance), 66590 Frankfurt / Main. There is parking on the clinic grounds. Please use the tram lines 12, 15 or 21 to travel by public transport. Participation in the event not required is free, registration.

“ENT editorial note for more information about the event at or at I want to hear!” which is the name of an initiative, the both beyond the hearing improvement at profound hearing loss to complete deafness tells as also on listen implants that help those people, where hearing aids offer no sufficient understanding. In part he initiative ICH want to hear”information events are regularly organised for sufferers, family members and friends in various regions. For more information, see.