Sparks Magnetron

Of course, this is very noticeable and easy to identify since when connects Sparks will they mark at the place where missing paint. Small lattice or mesh that is on the internal face of any oven door of microwave, allows that the light between and avoids radiation out of the cavity; i.e. works as catch waves. The incidence of light is no problem, since their wavelength is very small; more like microwaves is higher, these must be retained in any way; Why is incorporated the traps metallic waves precautions during the service and use of the appliance for safety of the computer and the user, is very important to point out the following: 1. never bypass or delete the IsLocked located next door, because these safety devices prevent the computer from operating when the compartment is open 2. Once you have uncovered equipment to test its performance, stay away from the magnetron at least 30 cm. remember that although it is shielded, it can have some sort of leak.

3 Recommend to clients that they never uncover the unit to review its internal parts. Only qualified personnel may perform repair. 4 You will have noticed that the appliance has one or two thermal sensors; never delete them since they are what prevent overheating of magnetron and their subsequent destruction, which is very important for the high cost of that device that it tends to be almost like a new microwave from low quality or cost. The rigor is located to one side of the magnetron, and other normally at the opposite end. With them is detected temperature level which is usually 150 or 170 degrees Celsius.

These sensors are actually switches that open when they detected high temperatures; since they are in series with the input line, in time to reach its nominal value opens to prevent that all equipment is energized; it resumes its normal operation, only until they lower their temperature. On the other hand, remember that the magnetron working with loads ranging from 2,500 to 3,000 volts approximately; Therefore, never reach around the main transformer when it is in operation, do not attempt to try it or with a driver or with a common tester which we use Typically this uses a small circuit with resistances that can be found easily on the internet or by visiting my Also remember that once disconnected from the network even keeps intention of a capacitor that must be downloaded before maneuvering with the magnetron. It can also use some electronic device very easy to manufacture for the detection of leaks in the oven that you can search on the internet or as previously mentioned I already find it before and this in my website as I always say it is the way more easy to help technicians and find everything in one place and free without having to register or pay for help.

Retirement Fund Administrators

The recrystallization of pension funds that were managed by the Retirement Fund Administrators and Pension (AFJP), if true what government officials say softly, will literally a transfer of money, which was owned by the current contributors and future retirees, the box of the state. If this is used to pay down debt and nurture ballot boxes, we are witnessing the third Argentine default, the second having been caused by government bonds carried away by inflation index adjusted for distortion a , to put it elegantly, the inflation index and pay less for their holders.

The project has been sent to Congress, which will be discussed in a Bicameral Commission created for this purpose, which of course will be dominated by pro-government legislators, is to say just makeup that could well save. The government is of the utmost urgency that the project be approved immediately and has since the first days of November for it. Why the rush? a HTSP expected this reaction. But not in this magnitude , was the phrase that sounded yesterday in the Argentine government against falling stock market crash of Buenos Aires (10% on Wednesday and 11% on Tuesday). Does the government could not foresee the unintended effect on the stock? ANSES went out to buy bonds for AR $ 300 million on Wednesday, and some actions to put the chest to the strong stock market crash, which at one point he lost 18%, and also managed to skid to Ibex in Madrid, where listed Spanish companies operating in Argentina, making it lose 8.2%, its second loss in history.

Being Helpful

I would like to help you, but … I often use this move, like a soft way to break the begging. This allows one to understand that you like his idea (of course, this phrase should be used only if you like the idea really like it.) There are times when I impose the joint work in which I can not take part. Then I use this method to gently decline. ‘Your ideas are absolutely beautiful, but I can not take part in the discussion, because I have other more important commitments. ”

Allow me first to consider this request and then give you the answer. This phrase is more like a ‘can’, than a strict ‘no’. If you are interested to help, but do not want to just say ‘yes’, use it. Often come across great ideas in the implementation of which want to participate. But at the same time, I want to put a little harmony, to think at first.

This time need to weigh the pros and cons, and be confident that a solution to help – it was true. If asking really needs your help, it will be happy to give you some time to think. Set a date or period of time during which he will get your answer. If you do not end up wondering what you ask for help, use the methods of 5.6 or 7, to deny. This does not meet my needs, but I’ll have you in mind for future. If the alleged assistance was not quite what you would like to do, frankly, that this problem does not meet your needs. On the other hand, the debate on the grounds of your failure in this case may be delayed. Try to understand who asks that there is nothing wrong with that, you deny, you just want to spend your time on something else. At the same time saying that you’ll have it in mind, you would like signaliziruete that are open for future, more interesting features and offers. I’m not the best person that you want. Why do not you go to someone else? If you are asked to help in some way, as you yourself are not strong enough, just let them know that you are not a person who needs who asks. If possible, recommend someone who you think can handle the request, or someone who recommend another person, or group of people. I always try to give alternative contact, asking to not feel caught up in gridlock. This method of asking for help to send in the right direction to solve his problem. No, I can not. This is the simplest and most direct way to refuse. You are building yourself the barriers that prevent us to refuse to help. As I said above, these barriers – our invention. Do not think too much about exactly how you say ‘no’ and just say ‘no’. You will be surprised when it turns out that the reaction is not asking for even half as bad as you imagine. Learn to say ‘no’ to a request that does not meet your needs, and once you discover how easy it is to be done. Y You will have more time for yourself, for work and for those things that are truly important to you. Now I know how to refuse and I am happy that I learned to do it.