Johann Wolfgang Goethe University

Also members of the hard hearing associations for individual talks and personal exchange available at an accompanying info fair. The HoRmobil of the DSB interested parties can let free to test your hearing. And last but not least, many cochlear implant makers involved in the event, give insights into their personal experiences at the CI-rehabilitation. The event will be moderated by the TV journalist Georg Holzach (including hr-Boulevard magazine main tower”). For hearing impaired visitors the Organizer provides free headphones with infra red receiver to borrow. All lectures, discussions, and interviews to the reading on screens are projected during the event. We hope that our Frankfurt listening day encounters a large response, as we already to many places everywhere in Germany were able to experience”, so once again Durdane Erseker. All interested parties are cordially invited.

We want to recommend especially those who can not hear or understand despite hearing aid, to attend the event.” The Frankfurter listening day I want to hear!”will take place on Saturday 21 September 2013, in the time from 9:30 to 14:30. The venue is the University Hospital at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, House 22 (next to the main entrance), 66590 Frankfurt / Main. There is parking on the clinic grounds. Please use the tram lines 12, 15 or 21 to travel by public transport. Participation in the event not required is free, registration.

“ENT editorial note for more information about the event at or at I want to hear!” which is the name of an initiative, the both beyond the hearing improvement at profound hearing loss to complete deafness tells as also on listen implants that help those people, where hearing aids offer no sufficient understanding. In part he initiative ICH want to hear”information events are regularly organised for sufferers, family members and friends in various regions. For more information, see.