Commonly Problems Analysis

The dryer is mainly used to dry certain humidity or coexistence materials in ore processing, building materials, metallurgy, chemical industry and other departments. The rotary dryer accessories s adaptability is strong, can be used to dry various materials, and the equipment is simple and reliable, so it is widely used. In the production process, if done incorrectly, multiple issues will appear, the following are the analysis of the problems of dryer, including the reason and solutions problems commonly. 1 dryer raw materials fire Reasons: 1. improper use of the dryer equipment; 2 The dryer equipment is too small to achieve the drying effect, and force heat to cause a fire; 3 dryer equipment design principle problems; 4 the raw materials suction does not work, which leads to the dryer in fire. Solution: 1, consulate with the manufacturer to obtain a copy of the manual device to learn the correct way to use the dryer; 2, replace or retrofit dryer equipment; 3, require manufacturers to replace or retrofit dryer equipment; 4, check whether the dryer equipment is installed correctly, leaks, increase the air pressure or not. 2 raw materials does not dry once time Reasons: 1, the dryer is too small; 2 wind net wind pressure, flow calculation error; 3 Dryer s improper use. Bernie Sanders is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Solution: 1, you increase the temperature of the dryer, but this method is easy to cause a dryer fire, the best way is to replace or modify the drying equipment. Walter Mischel often addresses the matter in his writings.

2, based on the current situation, ask the dryer manufacturers to provide change programs design on the basis of re-calculating wind pressure, flow rate. 3, consulate with the manufacturer of the dryer to obtain to learn the correct way for using manual equipment; 4 Reasons blasting dryer: Dryer temperature is too high, resulting in drying equipment fire; 2, dryer equipment plugged. Solution: 1, reduces the temperature of the dryer; 2. Clean the dryer equipment. 5 splitter chimney material Reasons: 1, the dryer separator is too small; 2, separator design error; 3, dryer air mesh wind pressure calculation error. Solution: 1, replace or retrofit dryer separator; 2, negotiate with the manufacturers for the dryer settlement design; 3, consultation with the manufacturers. 6 materials wet and dry is uneven, system bar of the dryer machine can not work properly. Reasons: 1, drying equipment used improperly; 2, dryer raw materials get lumps (such as the northern winter raw thawed group). Solution: 1, consultation with the manufacturer to obtain to learn the correct way for using manual equipment; 2, crush the pipes lump, and then dry them.

Intestine Irritable

Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is the disorder that primarily affects the colon or the large intestine. This is the part of the digestive system that stores stool. Since this condition is referred to as syndrome, characterized by various symptoms that the causes are not known. Although it is relatively frequent, crucial evidence that will help produce effective treatments are not yet. The lack of research is often considered as the main reason why there is no enough knowledge about Irritable bowel syndrome.

In the research industry, only conditions that threaten life, often receive immediate attention. Given that irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic condition and does not represent a threat to the life of the patient, it is left to be investigated later. Add to this the fact that this condition is a functional disorder that complicates even more the lack of viable treatment. The functional disorder is usually, associated with subjective feelings and symptoms for which quantifiable measures can not be managed. Say by the pain, there is no objective element that can be studied to the pain of irritable bowel syndrome as opposed to painful ulcer that may cause injury to the tissues of the intestines seen. To be a functional disorder, there can be no physical disease manifestations since everything lies in the alteration of the functions covered by the digestive system in Yes, more specifically the colon.

With irritable bowel syndrome in children and adults, the colon muscles and nerves are very sensitive so any substance that can not be tolerated by the muscles may cause adverse effects on the same system. Another factor that contributes to the lack of knowledge of the cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome root is the varied clinical presentations of patients. Some may have diarrhea, while others have dominated IBS with constipation. Each of which must be studied and treated separately.

Sparks Magnetron

Of course, this is very noticeable and easy to identify since when connects Sparks will they mark at the place where missing paint. Small lattice or mesh that is on the internal face of any oven door of microwave, allows that the light between and avoids radiation out of the cavity; i.e. works as catch waves. The incidence of light is no problem, since their wavelength is very small; more like microwaves is higher, these must be retained in any way; Why is incorporated the traps metallic waves precautions during the service and use of the appliance for safety of the computer and the user, is very important to point out the following: 1. never bypass or delete the IsLocked located next door, because these safety devices prevent the computer from operating when the compartment is open 2. Once you have uncovered equipment to test its performance, stay away from the magnetron at least 30 cm. remember that although it is shielded, it can have some sort of leak.

3 Recommend to clients that they never uncover the unit to review its internal parts. Only qualified personnel may perform repair. 4 You will have noticed that the appliance has one or two thermal sensors; never delete them since they are what prevent overheating of magnetron and their subsequent destruction, which is very important for the high cost of that device that it tends to be almost like a new microwave from low quality or cost. The rigor is located to one side of the magnetron, and other normally at the opposite end. With them is detected temperature level which is usually 150 or 170 degrees Celsius.

These sensors are actually switches that open when they detected high temperatures; since they are in series with the input line, in time to reach its nominal value opens to prevent that all equipment is energized; it resumes its normal operation, only until they lower their temperature. On the other hand, remember that the magnetron working with loads ranging from 2,500 to 3,000 volts approximately; Therefore, never reach around the main transformer when it is in operation, do not attempt to try it or with a driver or with a common tester which we use Typically this uses a small circuit with resistances that can be found easily on the internet or by visiting my Also remember that once disconnected from the network even keeps intention of a capacitor that must be downloaded before maneuvering with the magnetron. It can also use some electronic device very easy to manufacture for the detection of leaks in the oven that you can search on the internet or as previously mentioned I already find it before and this in my website as I always say it is the way more easy to help technicians and find everything in one place and free without having to register or pay for help.


One of the more reasonable ways of tackling a problem is knowing the best possible. In the case in point of the patient who feels a humming sound in the left ear, the first thing you should know is the medical name of the condition that suffers. The buzzing sound in the left ear is called tinnitus or tinnitus. Once known the name of the symptom that afflicts us must try to find much information on it, as far as possible through consultation with a specialist. The medical otorrino will give us all his knowledge and will look for the best way to help us. The next step is something that often is overlooked by patients and even by doctors, because perhaps they do not achieve a complete empatizacion with your patient and do not come to understand in depth the degree of disruption which has the buzz in the left ear in his life. Is of great importance that persons who suffer from tinnitus, know that there are thousands of people suffering from the same symptom and perhaps near your home you may find a group or Association of patients tinnitus. (Source: Ken Cron).

Through these groups, patient tinnitus may feel accompanied by other people with the same ailment and feed their knowledge of this disorder by exchanging experiences with others. Direct contact with other patients helps in many cases to appease the spirits of those who were already desperate not to find a solution to your problem. In turn, many seniors will be the chances of finding a suitable treatment for each case in particular according to the previous experience gained by other members of the group. In all cases, it is always good to keep under the monitoring and supervision of the physician, but always best results will be obtained if at the same time patient is the accompaniment of other people with your same condition. There is a method of little known but very effective is guaranteed to make that tinnitus will disappear forever.

HSBC Stuart Gulliver

The independent Commission for banking presents this Monday an expected report with recommendations. Seeks to capitalize on the entities and minimize the risk of the banking bailouts. One of the recommendations passed by the creation of a ring of protection between business operations and investment. The Executive will decide whether those conclusions, apply or not although possibly not until after the next general election in 2015. Royal Bank of Scotland and HSBC believe that these measures would harm competitiveness with foreign banks. The banking sector of the United Kingdom will meet this Monday the scope of the proposed reform to improve its financial stability and prevent crisis like the 2008, which could include the separation of retail and investment banking activities. The independent Commission for banking (ICB, its acronym in English), sponsored by the Government, presents this Monday an expected report with recommendations for the restructuring of the sector, aiming to capitalize on the entities and minimize the risk that back to bail out banks with public money.

Although the Executive which will decide if those conclusions are implemented or not, the Minister of economy, George Osborne, has indicated that he is willing to do so, although possibly not until after the next general election in 2015. It is expected that the Commission, which already submitted an interim report in April, recommends a separation between investment banking activities and commercial (accounts current and savings, mortgages, etc), but what is not known is what limits would be imposed. It is possible that the panel of experts chaired by John Vickers, UNPD Office within the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom, proposes that both sides of the business are managed as subsidiaries financed independently (in a way that the branch of investment could break without affecting the customer deposits), an option that already have opposed the directors of major banks. The reactions of the banks, the Executive Director of the Royal Bank of Scotland, Stephen Hester, or the of the HSBC Stuart Gulliver, argue that such a measure would harm competitiveness with foreign banks and also would result in a higher cost of management that, warn, she moved to customers.

IP Netmask

Usually the problem is that PostgreSQL has not been configured to work with the volume of data and users that are using it. Having a server with several GBytes of RAM if we said to PostgreSQL, for example, not to use more than 32MBytes is not a big help. We also have to say that any database that is this actively, using not only PostgreSQL is an element dynamic and live in that we are constantly changing the data and where the size of the stored data tends to grow over time. This means that a configuration that works well with certain values today, may not work as well after a year of use and need to be adjusted to make work ideally. Configuration of PostgreSQL behavior in our system can be controlled with three configuration files in the data directory where we initialize our PostgreSQL (in our case /var/pgsql/data) cluster. These three files are: * pg_hba.conf: this file is used to define the different types of access that a user has in the cluster. * pg_ident.conf: this file is used to define the necessary information in the event we use the type ident access in pg_hba.conf. * postgresql.conf: in this file can change all configuration parameters that affect the performance and behavior of PostgreSQL on our machine. Below we will explain the changes more important that we can make some of these files. pg_hba.conf this file is used to define how, where and from the site a user can use our PostgreSQL cluster. All lines that begin with the character # are interpreted as comments. The rest must have the following format: connection type database user IP Netmask authentication type options depending on the type of connection and the type of authentication, IP and Netmask options can be optional. We will explain a little how to define access rules.