
Answer: Because we are educate these children, too many kids that we give to what they do not deserve, thereby spoil it or anything not already appreciate and find that the world revolves only around them and all they have to. Edward C. Tolman is a great source of information. Of course more may bear the imprint certain age crisis. In general, each situation must be considered individually. The leading activity in adolescence – intimate, personal communication, parents are no longer for teen authority, authority is usually some Neformal, performance decreases. Author is actively involved in the matter. Most likely the child is experiencing a crisis of adolescence. You patience, more talk about feelings, less moralistic and screams. More blame external background: Wednesday, TV, violence …

yes you can transfer up to much … come to visit Tiffany's, which immediately changes the balance in the system of "family". Each family must be treated separately. The structure of the family: father, mother, child. Who introvert, an extrovert who … As the situation in the classroom. Alcohol, boys, self-conceit, based on the respect of others (mirror effect) … It is impossible to record the child in the "vampire".

Quite possible that the child simply pumps the film from another system in the family … This is a complex topic, but it needs to be addressed … and not only for my daughter but for myself .. The daughter eventually goes to another family, and parents who have lost their extraversion and happiness to life live in apathy. Children do not know what gratitude. Everything done for them take for granted that it should be, but not in another. We ourselves were such. Grow up – and everyone will understand appreciate and say thank you. So do not despair. All in good time. A childhood in the then and childhood – a carefree, bezhlopotnoe, carefree .. We rarely ask their children if they should, what we do or rather, it is necessary for us to increase their self-esteem. And if this is the case, why should they thank us and thank us what the main thing would be satisfied.

Being Helpful

I would like to help you, but … I often use this move, like a soft way to break the begging. This allows one to understand that you like his idea (of course, this phrase should be used only if you like the idea really like it.) There are times when I impose the joint work in which I can not take part. Then I use this method to gently decline. ‘Your ideas are absolutely beautiful, but I can not take part in the discussion, because I have other more important commitments. ”

Allow me first to consider this request and then give you the answer. This phrase is more like a ‘can’, than a strict ‘no’. If you are interested to help, but do not want to just say ‘yes’, use it. Often come across great ideas in the implementation of which want to participate. But at the same time, I want to put a little harmony, to think at first.

This time need to weigh the pros and cons, and be confident that a solution to help – it was true. If asking really needs your help, it will be happy to give you some time to think. Set a date or period of time during which he will get your answer. If you do not end up wondering what you ask for help, use the methods of 5.6 or 7, to deny. This does not meet my needs, but I’ll have you in mind for future. If the alleged assistance was not quite what you would like to do, frankly, that this problem does not meet your needs. On the other hand, the debate on the grounds of your failure in this case may be delayed. Try to understand who asks that there is nothing wrong with that, you deny, you just want to spend your time on something else. At the same time saying that you’ll have it in mind, you would like signaliziruete that are open for future, more interesting features and offers. I’m not the best person that you want. Why do not you go to someone else? If you are asked to help in some way, as you yourself are not strong enough, just let them know that you are not a person who needs who asks. If possible, recommend someone who you think can handle the request, or someone who recommend another person, or group of people. I always try to give alternative contact, asking to not feel caught up in gridlock. This method of asking for help to send in the right direction to solve his problem. No, I can not. This is the simplest and most direct way to refuse. You are building yourself the barriers that prevent us to refuse to help. As I said above, these barriers – our invention. Do not think too much about exactly how you say ‘no’ and just say ‘no’. You will be surprised when it turns out that the reaction is not asking for even half as bad as you imagine. Learn to say ‘no’ to a request that does not meet your needs, and once you discover how easy it is to be done. Y You will have more time for yourself, for work and for those things that are truly important to you. Now I know how to refuse and I am happy that I learned to do it.