CGI Cabrio Revelation

Noble convertible blood from Stuttgart: the 250 CGI in the large autonet intensive test. Convertible driving. This is such a thing. In principle, there is nothing Verzichtbareres. BBs is cold, BBs is nothing finer than a cosy roof over your head.

BBs is hot, BBs are shade-giving nothing finer than a shadow. You has it in a hurry, you will do the devil to spare the time to fold back the roof – so you don’t sit in a Mazda MX5 where this is done in a fraction of a second. You have time and a long journey ahead, the weather uncertainties are too big for one making it prophylactically to the roof. On the other hand is extended trips usually an increased volume of luggage, is a roof that is recessed in the trunk just in the way. In addition even, that the draft compliance decreases progressively with advancing age. That’s not just because you look quickly at a stiff G captures nack, but also because pepper 40s or on toupierte Fiftysomethings in a convertible, forgive You please, look slightly ridiculous. But younger motorists appear to be in a convertible so often, as if they it were of rather, to impress the environment, to be facing the free air of fun with all your senses.

Rich and beautiful, but not vulgar way, and now we’re the new E-class convertible, as a result there are some of the above, given to masses, to revise mieselsuchtigen points. We roll up the field from behind: the E-class is a convertible bar any middle-aged impulses. Driving this vehicle, you never get in the smell of the little “Posertums” as the very distinguished elegance of the “convertible” before that. Adult and serious, it is not open to ride. The danger, the professional youth accuse to be, here is a remarkably low.