Colombian Air Force

It arrives happy at house and I told mother him which was past, it felt something sad, because my father had served in Korea and there there was dead, could never be reclaimed the body of this and however the government had given a commemorative plaque to him where he said: " " By served, to the hero of the mother country died in it fights in Korea . " ". My mother went it wakes up saying because brother Gustavo did not pass anything to him, since they spent whole months without having the news of him. She distressed the idea to him of my entrance to I exercise and dreamed that one problem in the foot was an obstacle, but that day, when I notified to him, its semblante change, was put livid, santiguo and without saying a single word it put to the kitchen. She listens to it sob and I felt much pain and pain by her, but at heart he was happy.

The days happened flying, although with an anxiety that did not let to me sleep. Monday to eight in the morning I was made present in the Battalion. I was not wanted to dismiss of my mother, because it got used to rising to five of the dawn and that day did not do it, thus, not to disturb it more, left without making say nothing. After the controls strictly speaking, of the formation, the training that last two months, we embarked in a majestic airplane Hercules of the Colombian Air Force. All we were happy, but with the nerves of end, us they had said that we were going to reinforce a contingent of men whom they looked for " " Jojoy&quot monkey; " , that we were preparations because the combats were violent and were many losses in both sides. We found out that the combats had extended by more than eight days. .