Colombian Air Force

It arrives happy at house and I told mother him which was past, it felt something sad, because my father had served in Korea and there there was dead, could never be reclaimed the body of this and however the government had given a commemorative plaque to him where he said: " " By served, to the hero of the mother country died in it fights in Korea . " ". My mother went it wakes up saying because brother Gustavo did not pass anything to him, since they spent whole months without having the news of him. She distressed the idea to him of my entrance to I exercise and dreamed that one problem in the foot was an obstacle, but that day, when I notified to him, its semblante change, was put livid, santiguo and without saying a single word it put to the kitchen. She listens to it sob and I felt much pain and pain by her, but at heart he was happy.

The days happened flying, although with an anxiety that did not let to me sleep. Monday to eight in the morning I was made present in the Battalion. I was not wanted to dismiss of my mother, because it got used to rising to five of the dawn and that day did not do it, thus, not to disturb it more, left without making say nothing. After the controls strictly speaking, of the formation, the training that last two months, we embarked in a majestic airplane Hercules of the Colombian Air Force. All we were happy, but with the nerves of end, us they had said that we were going to reinforce a contingent of men whom they looked for " " Jojoy&quot monkey; " , that we were preparations because the combats were violent and were many losses in both sides. We found out that the combats had extended by more than eight days. .

State Treasury

With all the possible titles to its salary, Augusto began to reform the institutions. The Senate was reduced to 600 members and the handling of the finances of the state was entrusted to him. The question is that means gens? Then: having itself discussed much on the nature and constitution of gens, we create useful to indicate of that the difficulty of the problem consists. Gens formed a body whose constitution was completely aristocratic, and thanks to their organization the patricios of Rome and the eupatridas ones of Athens perpetuated during long time their privileges. When it won the popular party I do not stop fighting with all forces that one institution, and if it had been able to sweep it, it is probable that we had not had left of she the smaller memory. But tapeworm as much life and was so ingrained in the customs, that were not possible to make it disappear absolutely.

According to ” Fustel de Coulanges” . In Colombia we can find a body aristocratic, in charge to exhaust the town of a net arbitrary way. They began with the excessive operation and nonin agreement in this way they have been in charge to eliminate the institutions that belonged to the town, with the purpose of to put under it and to humiliate it ” completely;. we know that to Augusto the legislative power was granted to him, abolished the elections and in its place I only create the consilium friendly princes, compound his. On a par, stopping I dedicate myself you order to reorganize them senatorial and equestrian (cavalry) of where Ivn to leave the magistrates provinces was originated in the senatorial order, while the administrators of the imperial finances solicitors were chosen of the equestrian order. that meant to stop for the Romans? It meant an imperial title granted by the family of the Roman patricios.

The family of gens whose meaning is (Clan) to case Romans were glimpsed by Augusto and fell in (anthropocentrism) or granted but to be able to (anthropomorphism) or simply they were apathetic? Very simple questions before the eyes of a historian. Those measures managed by Augusto cleaned of corruption the state. Which to seem is not objective. to case a terrestrial state can be cleaned of corruption? he is not much more sensible to say that in that one state the corruption I fall considerably? The deficit of the State Treasury I publish, administered by the Senate tapeworm that constantly to be corrected with the personal rents to stop. For which This it saw you forced to expand its private dominions. Of all ways, the impulse that August it gave to Rome was considerable. I construct districts (14 of which they conform the capital), development works you publish monumental, incentive the growth of the middle-class farmer by means of the earth distribution, assets agriculture, the crafts and the commerce. The architecture, the sculpture, engineering, the arts generally, reached their maximum brightness. Augusto d.C at the age of 76 years died in year 14, Augusto had left an empire unified and powerful, with an own language, the Latin, and cultural landlords that habrian to leave a perennial track against the other civilizations.

Latin America

He is known by his magical realism in his form to write, its incredible imagination, – and by his radical political ideas. Its imagination does not have you limit, and all that have read their works, are faithful admirers for all the life. – One of its famous works but ” One hundred Anuses of Soledad” which it wrote in Buenos Aires in 1967, – it made winner of the Nobel prize de Literatura in 1982. -. – This book sold but of 8.000 copies in one week, – and after being translated to 24 languages, I get to sell 36 million copies in the course of 3 anuses.

This book also I gain several prizes, among them the Chianchiano Prize in Italy, and the Best foreign Book in France and Spain. – Its life always been has surrounded by Political Problems. – In 1981 it had to leave Colombia and to exile themselves in Mexico, since it was accused to finance the M-19, a Liberal group of Guerrillas in Colombia. 8’>Intel. Its friendship with Fidel Castro also has been source of strong criticisms, being accused of Communist, nevertheless, ” Gabo” , as many call to him, it is rather a existencialista that follows its own policy., without concerning the opinion to him of anybody. The test this in that it has a written book, which has not published, very frank and it last on the Cuban Revolution, and the life of that undergone town under the regime of Fidel Castro. – This book has declared that not sera published until the relations between Cuba and the United States returns to normality. Not even the same Fidel has managed to be able to read this book, which this kept under strict security..

These advisers once defined their work area contacted themselves with their potential clients, in places public or prevailed previously selected, the first contact tapeworm like purpose of breaking the ice, can occur an explanatory pamphlet, an invitation to char it informal or any other means that are considered apt to wake up the interest of the candidate, the objective is to manage to make specific an appointment, of preference in its house, and of being possible with the presence of all the family. A trained good adviser could get to have in his agenda enters 15 20 daily interviews. Once made specific the interview, the adviser comes by far tact, to present/display his plan of financial advising, leaving for the next visit a possible incursion in the problematic particular financier of the family. As he increases the confidence in his adviser, the family raises her difficulties and the adviser indicates to them as they are the aspects that in their opinion would have to improve to obtain better results in the relation income debits, will analyze with them the measures to take in order to adjust the negative aspects. When it requires it to the situation can offer to them a loan in favorable conditions to adjust credits already overcome and this way to improve its possibilities of obtaining surpluses in cash.

Once achieved immediate goal to organize the familiar finances, one worked in the surpluses that will arise through a budget balanced and directed to reach this intention, the primary objective generally is to obtain surpluses in the order of 10% of the familiar budget, to the purchase of a plan of saving and investments. In the financial markets of the call first world, the interest rates went up to around 1% to 1.5% annual, of way of which S.A. candidate offered itself to duplicate to him or to triple this indicator in its plan of investments surely was a fort incentive to obtain its acceptance.