Friedrich Pommerenke

That I answer every E-mail personally, has Word gets around quickly and that arrived at the readers very well. That was no strategic marketing idea by me. And why print out you your E-Mail address in your books? I find the idea of totally normal that you would like to receive a feedback from the readers. What was not common in the book area a long time. Many authors were sitting in their ivory towers and had no contact with their readers. The readers are but the most important people! We organise just a crime-writing contest on

Authors are invited to submit the first chapter of a novel. Have you ever participated in writing competitions? I personally have done still no competition. I wrote up directly the history, which I had in my head: my first novel. I can but all authors only the recommendation be as possible to write so much, no matter in what context or what kind of text. Only through writing can improve it.

As a writing contest is a great way to try out and develop. Just because you get direct feedback to his text as a competition worth gold of course. How important is a professional editing? The editing is clearly very important! Earlier I thought it was always a better spelling correction service. Now I know how much it is worth, that someone reads the text, which still does not know the story and has a very different perspective than oneself. He can then point out any inconsistencies and the sense of the written questions asked especially clever. For example: Can the protagonist with this injury are going there at all? Even if I know, sure, it’s possible, I did the research Finally, me realises I there for the readers still unconvincing represented enough. If I submit my manuscripts in my Publisher I think it can not be often better.” And then I get back the text with 257 notes of the lecturer and realize that it’s still better. But that’s not bad. Feedback is always super. You might have to sort out some feedback, but generally it always helps further and it gets better from text to text. The second part of the Interviews, read our blog contact: Kristina Engels triboox GmbH & co. KG Steintorweg 4; 20099 Hamburg phone: + 49 40 63675600 E-Mail: about triboox: an interactive, Web-based literature portal with the aim of is triboox, to promote the development and marketing of new literature. offers the possibility to connect via the Internet, to share and develop their talent authors and literature fans. Authors offer a range of services to improve and market their manuscripts. You can free at set their texts to receive so feedback from the community, her work as an E-book and/or sell book and print it for personal use. Literature fans also have the opportunity to discover new texts of talent, to evaluate and to buy in the triboox Bookstore.