Swiss Cantons

Only with the mouse, then with the wooden spoon, and soon maybe in real life: crossword puzzle friends, Switzerland fans and other informed contemporaries know it long ago: A canton is not made of cardboard, and offset stakes he sing but also not click and now even cooking: the new website is dedicated to the 26 Federal States of the Swiss confederates in a compact, eye-friendly designed overview. A short, informative review linked image on the geography, population, and Sprache(-n) of the respective canton under the chapter headings of the individual cantons of Aargau of Appenzell-Ausserrhoden, Graubunden, Jura and Ticino to Zurich and Zug, to name only a few. Because even the love of a landscape not least goes through the stomach, two particularly meaningful cooking or baking recipes are followed: whether this is the Geneva fondue (the right mix of cheeses, there have been already faith wars!). the famous Zurcher Geschnetzeltes, from Neuchatel the Jacquerie neuchateloise, a hearty stew with sauerkraut and chicken, sweet cat and cats that St. Gallen Baker or the Lucerne is cider mousse for all these recipes, they are genuine regional specialities to succeed easily according to the description and are one of the famous Swiss chefs from the recipe book looked down.

BBs has enjoying whom, whether in reality or mere reading, find the best gastronomy links of the relevant canton following it still down on the page: it is so nearly impossible to enjoy even the mountain air and the views of the Summit, introduced the cooking ingredients the Alpine butter, cut fresh cheese, the aroma of the herbs to to, not to mention the Swiss hospitality and the care taken in manufacturing and service. Not for nothing is the Swiss gastronomy international tip and enjoys an excellent reputation around the globe. It is no secret, for example, that the Switzerland the favorite destination of the emerging Indians is often not about the mountains of Asia, but Piz Palu or Monte Rosa the snow-capped mountains form in some lush Bollywood strips So, don’t go on a journey of discovery through the cantons: only with the computer mouse, then with the wooden spoon, and at the end by car, train or airplane in the most diverse of all Alpine countries, to discover life’s work can be: hiking or with eye and tongue, in the city or in the country, in summer or in winter, over hills, mountains and lakes… is a good starting point for a lavish or tourist adventures with a wayward country and its cantons. Press contact Patrick Hewer Richard Wagner Strasse 1, 68165 Mannheim Tel.