Enchanting Carpets

Transcending its initial goal of providing heat to soils, the rugs have evolved to become elements unequivocally aesthetic to your home. Today they constitute an important chapter in the decoration. Read additional details here: Goop. Its origins closer to this fascinating world is no easy task. The origins of knotted carpets is back, apparently, tribes nomadic or semi-nomadic, predictably cold (Persia, Central Asia, Armenia, Caucasus), countries need to warm up the bare soil, but retain their animals whose skins were capable of providing heat. It is likely that these early covers had very long hair, and only later prevail the aesthetic criterion of smoothness and definition of drawing.

The simpler classification that can be established between them is: made by hand or mechanical looms. Nomadic peoples continue even today using loom horizontal, more manageable (though with very wide carpets, can not make but the case of indefinite length), leaving the horizontal reserved for use of the sedentary peoples. It is also known under the name of knotted (with the exception of the kilims, as we shall see). The mechanical looms, on the other hand, have the possibility of working on natural fibers (wool, cotton) or synthetic (nylon, polyester), even though most often is that these are mixed, in order to take advantage of the qualities of both raw materials. Their origin by fortune, the increase of scientific publications based on the study of private collections, allows to have more information, while any classification will be somewhat inaccurate because of the complexity of issues, sizes, textures, shapes and drawings. Here’s a small sample, in response to their place of origin: Berbers: originate from the nomadic tribes of the Moroccan Atlas mountains. They employ in their dressmaking vegetable dyes, owned by the family of each tribe, which produce colors Blue, green, yellow or Scarlet. Caucasian: its main feature is the drawing of the dragon, tied to deep-rooted religious beliefs.