How To Avoid Problems

Is it possible to avoid problems in your life? This is exactly what you want most, saying: no problems so the total happiness! For many of you, take the path of avoidance by seeking the highest level of security. The space offered security is to avoid, first of all, problems. I did not address in this paper the problematic aspect of your organizational life, but much more than your growth, your inner life. Homeland security does not exist and stop the search as many do in the organization of their lives. An inner peace would be more appropriate term as that of internal security. "The total security exists when there is absolutely nothing, that is to say nothing that is created by thought. In the world of positive thinking, it is commonly mentioned that adversity is a sign of growth, development happy future for those who manage to get through adversity. The adversities, problems and crises experienced by each of you are in fact the movement of life that calls you to yourselves.

This movement of life is nothing other than what is happening in you through what is in a present moment in you. The magnitude of the problems is caused by a notion of time and by a misalignment of what you are. Then fear sets in you gradually over time to resolve your problem, your crisis. Since you can not avoid the problems of life because they are part of your evolution to be, you must look at the facts of the problem by turning to you and not to others and even less to impotence or resignation face the fact.