Souffle Of Trout With Dill Cream

For 8 servings you will need: a quarter of a pod of red pepper, 4 smoked trout fillets (about 250 g), 2 shallots 50g butter, salt, white pepper, cayenne pepper, 3 tablespoons lemon juice, 2 tablespoons flour, 1 / 8 l white wine (can substitute fish broth), 125 g of cream, 4 eggs. For the dill cream: 250 g sour cream, 1 bunch of dill, white pepper, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, a quarter teaspoon of noble-sweet , butter and bread crumbs for shapers. Cooking time about an hour. Wash half a pod of pepper, clean it and cut a very small cubes. Trout fillet and cut into very small cubes, removing the remains of fish bones.

Peel shallots and chop. Dice peppers and saute shallots in 2 tablespoons of butter. Add slices of trout and mix everything together. Acutely season with salt, pepper, cayenne pepper and lemon juice. Heat the remaining butter in small saucepan and vsyapte it Stir in flour. Pour in the wine here, and cream and cook everything, stirring frequently, 4-5 minutes. Season the sauce with pepper and salt and let it cool slightly. Advance Heat the oven to 180 degrees.

Grease a 8 portion shapers volume of 200 ml and sprinkle their crumbs on the bottom. Divide the egg whites and yolks on. Yolks one at a time stir in the sauce. Add the fish mixture and mix well. Whisk proteins in the thick foam, and then enter into a dough. Now Put the mixture into molds (they should be filled only three-quarters) and Smooth. Bake in the oven (below) for 30 minutes until the souffle will not rise well, it should become golden brown. At this time, prepare dill cream. To do this, place the cream in a small dish. Wash dill and shake it to dry. 2.3 branch set aside for decoration, and the rest Finely chop the dill. Mix it with sour cream and season with a small amount of pepper and lemon juice. Put in a cool place. Tilt the souffle into small plates. Next to each souffle put a little dill cream sprinkle lightly with powder, , garnish with dill and serve immediately to the table.