Rattan: The Rules Of Care

Interior furnished our apartments or villas, opted for rattan? To wicker rattan furniture make you happy with its convenience, comfort and excellent appearance for many years, you must follow some simple rules: 1. Climatic conditions. Rattan whose home – tropical, stable enough to weather conditions. However, it should keep it from direct sunlight and strong wet. 2. Cleaning. Like any other furniture, rattan furniture in the accumulated dust. To remove it should use a soft brush or vacuum cleaner.

You can wipe the rattan is damp but not wet sponge. Once a year, rattan furniture requires general cleaning. First remove from the surface of the furniture all the dust. Then wash it with detergent. Garden or garden furniture can be watered with water from a hose. After washing, rattan furniture to give her a chance dry during the day.

Do not sit on the rattan furniture to dry completely, otherwise it may be deformed. 3. Preserve rattan furniture. As a rule, rattan furniture has a lacquer coating which is sensitive to damage at high temperatures. Do not place the rattan furniture near open flames, heaters, avoid chips and scratches, do not put hot items on it. 4. Take care of the furniture. In rainy seasons, winter, to take care of your furniture – bring it in order and remove to a secluded location, protecting against severe temperature fluctuations. Follow all the above rules – and your rattan furniture will please you with comfort and stunning views of many tens of years.