
You can lose weight until reaching your healthy weight. 2Nd – you will notice greater loss of body volume that restrictive diets, although without crearte stripes or loss of muscle mass. 3 – If you furthermore commit really, won’t easily recover the lost kilos (the secret of the ideal diet is not in losing weight but not again increase; unfortunately, no diet alone is able to get the two things, because you need more tools beyond the dietetico-nutricional area and closely related to the area educational-therapeutic change in habits and lifestyle). 4 – You will feel healthier (overweight causes a lot of health issues associated and the effect I – yo diets still worsens it more) and more happy, given that weight loss eating focuses on your integral health where the body-mind binomial work in parallel towards success. 5Th will free at last you up obsessions related food diet and exercises to lose weight!! And so you’ll be preventing other more serious eating disorders. Slimming eating, do not hesitate more!!! AS you start already practicing lose weight eating 1st – Express you in a happy way, positive and flexible in your day to day 2 nd the more flexible you are in your behavior journal general, easier will be 3rd weight – control the more positive you are, less your 4th circumstances – affect you the less you prohibas much better.

Prohibited prohibited!!! Grow 5-food not fat nor thin, are your good or bad habits and lifestyle. 6Th – pay daily attention not only to what you are doing (feeding, physical activity, sleep, relaxation), but how you do it and, first and foremost, why and for what you do. So you’ll be learning how to lose weight without diet Conclusion: lose weight eating starts with your head and continues through your body. The secret of success is always 80% mind and 20% action inmedita. What are you waiting to put into practice from now these secrets to lose weight without being on a diet? Or do you prefer to continue with your old and infective method be to diet? To learn how to lose weight eating, I invite you to participate free Online on thinning of NutriSpa program. More info and signup free at A your disposal, DR. Slim original author and source of the article