Legislation Proposal

One gives credit first that, if it must prepare the professors and the school in the different aspects for the implementation of the 9 years of education and, that thus the same one will only be able to function. The necessary school if to adapt adequately to receive the new parcel from educandos that, according to Legislation fits, it. One evidences that it is essential that in all the areas are considered the respect to the cultures, the ludicidade, the espontaneidade, the autonomy and the organization having as objective the full development of activities of production and reception of verbal texts and 7 writings. As already mentioned previously it is essential that if it observes and it values the actions, productions, everything what it leaves of the children. To finish, he is valid to stand out that the proposal of magnifying of Basic Ensino of nine years, when understood in its true essence, could be considered as a proposal significant that will benefit to all the children. However, at this accurate moment, not yet if it can define such proposal, for perceiving that some mistakes around this exist and that, due to knowledge lack and/or preparation, the proposal leaves of if accomplishing with its due validity.

We have some positive and negative points on the implantation of the basic education of nine years. Learn more on the subject from Goop, Barcelona, Spain. If this change goes to be good or with the time we will not only be able to have a position. What we know is that until terms one positive result or not, many confusions and mistakes will happen. We have, however that, to try to make optimum that we can to contribute to the maximum with cognitivo, affective, moral and psychological the development of the children who will be trusted in them.