Importance Of Warm-Ups

In the warm-up should also include stretching and muscle. Success will reach everyone who will be able to overcome my laziness. Remember that exercise should be regular. Big break in the classroom lead to the fact that you gradually lose the results of which have reached. Regular exercise gives strength and slows the aging process.

Thirty minutes three times a week – it's small price to pay for the enormous benefits of regular training on simulators. Counting the heart rate during workouts at the gym the pulse rate increases, and it is used as a parameter for determining the necessary intensity of the workout. Elementary Level fitness is important to develop individual exercise programs. If you are a beginner, you can achieve good results with a pulse rate of 110-120 beats per minute. If you are in good physical shape, then you need more higher level. 10 minutes after the beginning of training measure the pulse. This so-called "pulse loading" or "stress pulse. During the first training on simulators pulse rate should be around 65 – 70% of the maximum age pulse.

Maximum age pulse (MEP) can be calculated by the formula: 220 minus your age. Maybe it seems too easy, and you want to increase the intensity of the workout, but it is better to adhere to traditional methods. With a good physical preparation of the pulse rate can be up to 80% of the maximum age of pulse. You should not overwork in order to achieve the values given in the tables. It is better that you have reached this results in a natural way, doing its own agenda. Remember that control znacheniechastoty pulse – this is only a recommendation, not the rule, and minor deviations in either direction are permissible. Two comments: 1) Do not worry about changing the pulse rate every day. It can be caused by pressure changes, and 2) the value of heart rate – is a landmark, not become its slave. Important! Start training on simulators, keep it up to the end. You should not stop halfway, and then continue training with the stopping time, without warm-up. A pause is needed between strength training. Its duration for each person individual – it basically depends on your level of fitness and the program you have chosen. Rest between exercises, but the rest should not exceed two minutes. Most leisure enough to half to one minute.