Arthur Rosales Company

It is important to assess the talent not only by What can do, but by what might to be performed by the company, if it is properly channeled. Train personnel: a survey by found that 58% of respondents considers crucial to continue or enter a company this gives you opportunities for professional growth, constant training can help your employees to grow professionally and therefore think twice before changing jobs. Remember that the salaries are no longer the only incentive: for increasingly more candidates, money and ostentatious additional benefits are no longer labor panacea. The offer of real benefits, such as a better balance between life and work, as well as more flexible labour practices, are increasingly more cherished. Establish evaluation methods: when you do make sure that staff understand how that will be evaluated and enhances information results thereof, for the benefit of the development of those involved.

To make the work stimulating: make sure that each employee count with a plan of challenges and at the end of the term ask them to assess the level of compliance and commitment to their work. Keep them informed: periodic reports on the impact of its work in the company, with the intention that perceive that their work contributes significantly in the success of the same share. These are some of the measures designed to develop the ability to manage the talent, which is to ensure, whatever the challenge facing your organization, key characters stay with you to face this challenge and overcome it. For this purpose, it is necessary to have well identified the talent within the company, what it does, what are your skills and what you can expect from them. It is important that every company cares about define their strategic, present and future needs, so that you can assess if personnel within the Organization has the features to cover them, once made, the results will soon arrive, concluded Arthur Rosales.