Italian Government

His colleague of Saxony, Stanislaw Tillich, said that the program of the BCE had to be an exception since if appellant becomes something they will end up being right those that, when the Euro was introduced, feared that organism worried the monetary stability less than than what the Bundesbank had done traditionally it. They go Rompuy it applauds the Italian measures On the other hand, the president of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, greeted " rigurosas" financial measures adopted by the Government of Italian prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, within the framework of a new plan of adjustment. " Support totally and greeting the opportune financial measures and rigurosas" impelled by Italy, it indicated Go Rompuy after to have maintained a telephone conversation with Berlusconi. " Those approved measures are crucial important not only for Italy but for all the eurozona" , it indicated. The Italian Government approved a new plan of adjustment of 45,500 million Euros with which he tries to reach the budgetary balance in 2013 and to calm the restlessness of the markets on the situation which they cross the public finances of the country. Rome will implant the call " contribution of solidaridad" , that it burdens with a 5% the wages that surpass the 90,000 Euros to the year, and with a 10% to which they exceed the 150,000, all of them deductible ones of the rent and with a duration of three years as of 2011. The Italian Government bet in addition by the suppression to the provinces of less than 300,000 inhabitants or 3,000 kilometers squared of surface. Source of the news: Berlin is against the creation of euro-bonds and the European Council applauds the adjustments of Italy.