Elihu Villaraus

At any time you can change your decision and nothing external to you, you can stop. Don’t need anything external to you to increase your awareness of wealth and therefore your money. Everything you need to increase already is there now. You may have forgotten, but it is there. The first step is always to remember that the money isn’t real, is an idea; It is the illusion of something else. And here’s another secret: wealth consciousness is simply the expansion of your consciousness and responsiveness of the abundant parts of yourself. All you need is to increase your awareness of wealth that is already inside you right now. Your already abundant, but you have been taught to not experience your wealth.

This introspection changes everything! Just like rich people, you can now begin to experience your wealth. You have more ability to wealth in you to which you can experience in a lifetime. No need to worry that you’ve reached your limit become abundant in any way, nor need to know how to convert your consciousness of wealth into cash, it will happen automatically. To read more click here: IDT Energy. All you need to do is expand your consciousness of wealth, exercise it and operated in the opportunities that are presented to you. Once you have your consciousness of wealth, it will be very difficult that you don’t get success and wealth you deserve. Success and wealth will automatically follow wherever you go. No need to worry about looking for money, because the you will find you. You’ll be free to experience other aspects of life that can be that you have not even dreamed of before, dimensions of being and life that are really impressive! By Tu success Elihu Villaraus original author and source of the article

8th Contest Of Poetry And Short Story

8th international poetry and short story contest rules 1.-Podran participate Argentine and foreign authors, residing anywhere in the world. 2. The works should be written in the Spanish language. They must be unpublished and not selected as finalists in previous competitions in my writings. 3. Each author may participate in both genders, with a single work by genre. The maximum length shall be the following: poetry: up to 35 story lines: up to 70 lineas4.-participation is free and gratuita.5-works and data of the participant must be sent by email to follows: * in a word (called work) file the / s work/s to compete, bracket for A4 paper, with font Times New Roman, size 12, (no special formatting to text: tabs, borders, shading, etc.), with symmetric margins of 3 cm each, without any identification of the author.** In another file Word (called author), full personal details of the participant: surname and name, full address, telephone (fixed and mobile), e-mail.

Those who do not have email can submit work and data on a CD or floppy disk on behalf of Cristina Beatriz Monte, Av. Chiclana 3499, 3 rd floor, Department B, postal code 1260, autonomous city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Those who do not have a PC, may send their typewritten participation, at the above-mentioned address. Not send curriculum because it cannot be taken into account at the time of the evaluation of the work by members of the jurado.6.-There are the following prizes: 1st prize plaque and Diploma Grades 2-5 Prize medal and Diploma mentions of Honor Diploma finalists certificate 7.-the registration period will close on 31 August 2009, which account shall be the date of the postmark, where applicable.8. The jury will be integrated by local writers. Its decision will be final.

9.-Editions my writings will pay for editing the resulting anthologies of the contest, by which to register the author is authorizing the publication of your work. The acquisition of copies of the anthology is not mandatory or binding to the results of the competition since it will be presented at the same awards ceremony. 10. The Act of awards and official presentation of the anthology will be date, time and place to designate. 13 Involving single author accepts these conditions. Any circumstance not envisaged in these will be settled by my writings at their discretion only.

Jim Avignon

The travelling entertainer and performer uses humor to draw attention to the absurd in our time. His art pieces, pictorial distortion of reality, addressed issues such as corruption, the lack of real communication and global conflicts. Jim Avignon wants to acquire its aura of art and refuses to follow the rules of the art market: during the Kassel Documenta 1992 he painted a picture every day and destroyed it in the evening. He has exhibited in Germany and numerous other countries (including France, Greece, United States, Guatemala, Singapore, Russia), including in unusual places such as techno clubs. Hans Endelmann for more than 10 years working on the series Berchuma”and his work on these small stools of the Shoeshine boy started during a workshop on the aesthetics of the simple derived from him” at the Department of fine arts at Addis Abeba University. There in Addis Abeba of Berchuma for the first time I noticed, than let me shine on the Arat Kilo the shoes. It was a strange feeling for me, but it only was such an everyday scene that quickly the curiosity place this feeling. The small stools of the Berchuma struck me, on which sat the Listro, who shined the shoes for me.

And the stool is no longer avoided me out of my head. Ultimately, he is merely”is a commodity, but he also like a silent guard, a vigilant mate who can accompany the Listro, one or the other. The philosopher Giorgio Agamben writes in his book Profanierungen”about those agents of everyday life, most unassuming objects, but still develop a sentimental value because a patina of use has arisen. In his works on paper Berchuma”, the artist focuses on his encounters with the Listro. The mutual experiences for me were how much poetry and dignity and has a sign inside the simplest objects, if you allow a correspondence with the things and the atmosphere around us.

Lupe is dedicated to Godoy in in the exhibited works of collage and reflects the 10 years cooperation with LISTROS e.V. “” “” The works of the Spanish artist are thematically divided into four groups: Whats make me black/whats make me white? “-boxes and letters from Ethiopia”-African thoughts “and Ethiopia”. The material of her works comes from a variety of sources, she combines photographs of fashion, lifestyle and travel magazines with images from art magazines, provides excerpts from pornographic magazines next to photos from car and motorcycle magazines. From trivial, thousand times reproduced photographs, Lupe Godoy creates originals by their artistic handwriting. She mixed ink and color with photographic cutouts, thereby deliberately renounces the use of image editing programs. The visuals add to the processing to the collage to content rich, nested narratives and series that deal with abundance, beauty, the own and the foreign, art history, gender roles, ecology and a world in which the body has become of the goods.

Growing your Business

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.

Friedrich Pommerenke

That I answer every E-mail personally, has Word gets around quickly and that arrived at the readers very well. That was no strategic marketing idea by me. And why print out you your E-Mail address in your books? I find the idea of totally normal that you would like to receive a feedback from the readers. What was not common in the book area a long time. Many authors were sitting in their ivory towers and had no contact with their readers. The readers are but the most important people! We organise just a crime-writing contest on triboox.de.

Authors are invited to submit the first chapter of a novel. Have you ever participated in writing competitions? I personally have done still no competition. I wrote up directly the history, which I had in my head: my first novel. I can but all authors only the recommendation be as possible to write so much, no matter in what context or what kind of text. Only through writing can improve it.

As a writing contest is a great way to try out and develop. Just because you get direct feedback to his text as a competition worth gold of course. How important is a professional editing? The editing is clearly very important! Earlier I thought it was always a better spelling correction service. Now I know how much it is worth, that someone reads the text, which still does not know the story and has a very different perspective than oneself. He can then point out any inconsistencies and the sense of the written questions asked especially clever. For example: Can the protagonist with this injury are going there at all? Even if I know, sure, it’s possible, I did the research Finally, me realises I there for the readers still unconvincing represented enough. If I submit my manuscripts in my Publisher I think it can not be often better.” And then I get back the text with 257 notes of the lecturer and realize that it’s still better. But that’s not bad. Feedback is always super. You might have to sort out some feedback, but generally it always helps further and it gets better from text to text. The second part of the Interviews, read our blog blog.triboox.de contact: Kristina Engels triboox GmbH & co. KG Steintorweg 4; 20099 Hamburg phone: + 49 40 63675600 E-Mail: about triboox: an interactive, Web-based literature portal with the aim of is triboox, to promote the development and marketing of new literature. triboox.de offers the possibility to connect via the Internet, to share and develop their talent authors and literature fans. Authors offer a range of services to improve and market their manuscripts. You can free at triboox.de set their texts to receive so feedback from the community, her work as an E-book and/or sell book and print it for personal use. Literature fans also have the opportunity to discover new texts of talent, to evaluate and to buy in the triboox Bookstore.

Economic Forecasts

Transfer media should ignore economists nonsense Berlin/Dusseldorf – the criticism of the empirical quality of economic forecasts intensifies after the break thrust of DIW Chief Klaus Zimmermann. “” “According to Gunter Ogger, author of the bestselling rivets in pinstripes”, could be a liar liar-boycott initiative”start: If you committed to the chief editors of the leading media immediately the nonsense statements of economists and analysts to ignore, that would contribute to the media hygiene”, so Ogger opposite NeueNachricht. Economy was now no science, but religion replacement. Similar to critical it looks Udo Nadolski, Managing Director of the IT consulting firm Harvey Nash in Dusseldorf: macro economists, statisticians, planning bureaucrats, analysts and self-proclaimed economists are even not able to predict the unforeseen. Check out too often in the rearview mirror, to gain insights for the future. Details can be found by clicking IDT Energy or emailing the administrator.

Frictions, coincidences, ground-breaking You cannot calculate discoveries, economic movements or political disasters with statistical methods”, explains the IT expert Nadolski. “The most Kassandra Rufer would in exchange programmes, talk shows or books with the title as I’ve seen before the crash” procedure according to the motto: If the Rooster crows on the Dunghill, the weather changes or it will remain as it is “. You come to announce me as modern walking Saint, the prescriptions for the imminent end of the world”, so Nadolski.

Growth Accelerator

Expertise and innovation at CeBIT 2010 the Romanian IT economy participates this year for the 11th time with a joint booth at CeBIT. With fourteen exhibitors the participation of software developers, IT service providers and other specialists from Romania is very large. Together make the versatile skills of the European IT country number one prove and promote the innovation site Romania. \”The IT industry is the backbone of the Romanian economy,\” stressed Valerica Dragomir, Managing Director of ANISE, the Romanian Association of employers of the software developing companies. \”A large part of economic growth owes the country of innovation in the IT industry and especially software developers.\” Romania have proven to be reliable outsourcing and nearshoring site, which could meet high Western European standards and expectations. Software from Romania is a true export success. The total turnover of the Romanian IT sector grew in 2008 by 22% to around 2.5 billion Euro. Sales grew in the same year by 27% to approximately EUR 1.9 billion.

In the past year lost the Romanian IT economy due to the global economic crisis more than expected – 25% decline in sales volumes were the result. \”The companies have postponed simply strategic decisions and retracted in all areas of investment and cost,\” Dragomir said the development. The met also the Romanian IT companies hard. However, Dragomir assessed very differently the development. Companies, which products are intended primarily for the domestic Romanian market and producer of hardware and other equipment were been hit harder by the crisis as export-oriented enterprises and IT service providers. \”In Romania company quality and complex software solutions and IT services can buy a relatively inexpensive\”, she explains.

Therefore, many had used the crisis to operate IT outsourcing. The innovative strength of the Romanian industry and their proven expertise Thus, a stabilizing element of the Romanian foreign trade. The IT industry is the guarantor and motor of the Romanian economic growth, she says confidently.