
The educational offer has been expanded in Mexico during the last ten years, allowing one increasing number of people continue and conclude their studies and, therefore, achieve more and better opportunities in the working world. An example of this is the high school or the high school open, to which both students attend who are in the age in which regularly curse this school level, such as adults who cannot attend so regular to regular classes by their occupations. Open high school is a flexible educational model that adapts easily to the needs of the students. Thanks to programs designed to provide knowledge through the support of an advisory, but above all through the own effort and dedication of the students, encourages independent education. Academic resources that are available to students is intended to make it more accessible to the task of acquiring knowledge that will be useful later, either in the world of work and in daily life in general, and not only information that is stored to be poured into a test and then forgotten. The main requirement for filing open prepa is having the desire and the interest of overcoming oneself, since the skills necessary to take forward the studies are acquired with practice, perseverance and the habit.

On the other hand, this system has teachers specialists and counselors who teach the technical students of study to take full advantage of the time devoted to each of the subjects. Many experts in the field of education at upper secondary level have been classified broadly open system of self-taught. While this definition does not entirely match the format in which they operate educational tasks, it is true that primary responsibility runs from the learner, since teachers above all act as advisors rather than as teachers themselves. This circumstance can be seen as very positive by a large number of little accustomed people to the a regular class restrictions. In the open system assists, are not taken do not have holdings or good behavior, but only the desire to acquire knowledge. Time you end the open prepa vary from campus to campus and even program to program. In the most traditional systems, the duration is three years, equal in the school, although in some institutions system is unable to get certificate in a year, using an only examination attesting the knowledge of the three levels of secondary education.