Military Research Students

This stage precedes the actual practice and is a prerequisite. At the next executive, stage activity is usually converted to an object or situation is achieved for a given outcome 2, 9, 10. Executive phase of research students of the military institution includes: a) develop a research plan and its implementation, and b) the choice of research methods and their use of an object and the subject of research, c) solution of research problems of theoretical justification and proof, and d) the original hypothesis of the study, and e) formulating conclusions. At this stage consideration has, associated with educational conditions of the military institution, especially. Study also includes two stages: the so-called technological and analytical phase, reflective stage. The study is conducted on a definite plan, work program.

Drawn up a plan, prospectus, ie such a plan, which is an abstract, a more detailed discussion of issues on which to will be further systematized all the collected factual material. The plan serves as the main avenue, for further evaluation supervisor student match its aims and objectives of the work carried out study. Under this plan, it is already possible to judge the content of the main points of research, the principles of disclosure topics, and the construction of volume ratio of its individual parts. Almost plan-avenue – it is Draft table of contents with abstracts disclosing the contents of its chapters and sections. Ease of preparation of the preliminary prospectus, the plan is clear: through the systematic inclusion in this plan more and more data it can be brought to a final volume of work.